Payment steps

Pay in simple steps, no mistakes, never

Payment Steps in detail

  1. Select the Payment you prefer

  2. The wallet you prefer

    • In the case of Cardano wallet, we suggest using a Light wallet (i.e. Eternl, Nami, Yoroi); anyway, as payment forms, you have a wide range of opportunities

    • In the case you choose a payment via credit card you will be directed step by step till the conclusion of the transaction and obtain the NFTs in a temporary wallet provided by crossmint. It will be easy.

    • The same happens for other "non-Cardano" wallets

  3. Make the payment and be patient; the minting on demand requires time and, be sure, it never fails

  4. Act using your wallet; below just an example

  5. After payment be patient even though the following window does not appear. You'll never lose your money, and the process will certainly be completed.

  6. At the end, even though the page seems not working properly, you will find your NFTs on your wallet

    • Wait also if the page seems to hang indefinitely, don't worry. You can also close the page after a couple of minutes, and you always will find your NFTs on your wallet

  7. If the network is reacting well then

  8. See next step of the process

Last updated